Drupal6 完成度还很低

目前的 dev 版本来看,只是 node 表增加了一个 language 项,其他诸如 node_type blocks term 都没有加入。
所以,drupal6 还有很长的路要走。另外一个重大改变的 Menu 甚至连模块都无法加载。
今天花了点时间大致看了下,心里算是有点底,毕竟看见了 admin/settings/language/configure 四个选项:
* None. Language will be independent of visitor preferences and language prefixes or domains.
* Path prefix only. If a suitable path prefix is not identified, the default language is used.
* Path prefix with language fallback. If a suitable path prefix is not identified, language is based on user preferences and browser language settings.
* Domain name only. If a suitable domain name is not identified, the default language is used.

